The Adventures and Exploits of Ewing Young with Doug Root, Ewing Young Distillery.
Doug will explain how events in Ewing Young's life helped to establish American settlements in the Oregon countryside. He will also explore how and why the Newberg area became the hub of the 'modern' history of Yamhill County beginning in 1834, and how Ewing Young's distilling efforts in 1837 opened The Oregon Trail.
Join us at Farm Fest & Plowing Competition for a day of old-time farming with 20+ teams of draft horses and mules, see demos and meet the teamsters. Horse-drawn and antique equipment displays, Pioneer Kids’ activities, tours of the museum and 1880’s Hutchcroft School, old-time music, food, and more! 10am-4pm. Admission $10 adults, kids 12 and under free.