Check out our videos of numerous local history presentations and our many events. Speical thanks to Paul Weber and McMinnville Community Media for filming many of these videos! These videos are also available to view on DVD at our Research Library.
Additional Videos
Fort Yamhill
Hidden Treasures of YCHS Collection
Hutchcroft School
History of Oregon Statehood
Hoover-Minthorn House
Geology of Yamhill County
Remembering Roma Sitton
Honoring Veterans
History of the Mayflower
Ewing Young Historical Park
Extreme Weather
Yamhill County Fossils
Ron Eborall “Santa Claus”
Heritage Trees of Yamhill County
Donation Land Claims in Oregon
YCHS General Meeting Tapes
Filmed by Lester Herring Picked up 4/25/17 by Michael Hafner
- 2006/5/9 Bob White: Growing Up in Mac
- 2006/9/12 Chuck Fagan: Yamhill County Postcards
- 2006/11/15? Dan Linscheid: Donation Land Claims in Oregon?
- 2007/2/13 Elizabeth Rhode: Crystal Riliee Smith Foundation
- 2007/3/13 Violet Brown: Her Yamhill County Pioneer Heritage
- 2007/5/8 Gordon Zimmerman: History of Yamhill
- 2007/9/11 Phyllis Dickey: Lorinda Chapman vs the Indian Chief
- 2007/10/9 Ray Bottenberg: Oregon Bridges
- 2007/11/11 Carolyn McGanty: Murder Quilt
- 2008/1/13 Ben Frum: Yamhill County Heritage Trees
- 2008/2/10 Nancy Thorton: Pioneer Neighbors on Panther Creek
- 2008/3/9 Marjorie Owens: FDRs 1930s New Deal
- 2008/4/8 (Marked 2008/3/9) Marie Buckley: Louis Labonte Family
- 2008/5/13 Jeann Reeder: gravesite reenactments at Dayton
- 2008/9/9 Janet Graves: Hiking the Oregon coast in 1917
- 2008/10/14 Marjorie Owens, “Yamhill County Murders”
- 2008/12/9 Frank Dummer and a sing-along
- 2009/5/12 Doris Baker: “Amity Streets, Signs, and Snippets”
- 2009/9/8 Wayne Herring: Bottle Collecting
- 2009/11/8 Nancy Thornton. “Girl From Yamhill” (Beverly Cleary)
- 2009/12/13 Garry Brooks tells about “Santa Claus” Ron Eborall
- 2010/1/8 “Memories of Old Schools”
- 2010/2/14 Nancy Thornton: “Ewing Young”
- 2010/3/10 Gloria Lutz: History of YCHS education program
- 2008/4/12 Farm Fest 2008
- 2008/8/9 Harvest Fest
- Combo of Farm Fest and Harvest Fest 2008
- 2009/4/18 Farm Fest 2 copies
- 2009/8/ 8 and 9 Harvest Fest 2009
- 2010/4/10 Farm Fest 2010
- 2008/5/3 Celica Kirsch: Oral History of her life and teaching career 102 years old
- 2008/6/7 John and Mary Day Interview
- 2007/4/14 YCHS groundbreaking for new Museum
- 2005? April YCHS museum, pioneer cemetery and lock parks